OMEGA 3 Revisionata - Refurbished
OMEGA 3 spezzatrice volumetrica completamente revisionata in fabbrica, con garanzia 6 mesi.
Può lavorare a una via con pezzi da 200 a 1600gr, e può lavorare a 2 vie con pezzi da 100 a 600 gr.
Sfarinatore motorizzato. Tramoggia da 150 kg teflonata. Montata su ruote.
OMEGA 3 volumetric divider completely overhauled at the factory, with 6-month warranty.
Can work one-way with pieces from 200 to 1600gr, and can work 2-way with pieces from 100 to 600gr.
Motorized pulper. 150-kg teflon-coated hopper.
OMEGA 3 volumetric divider completely overhauled at the factory, with 6-month warranty. Can work one-piece with pieces from 200 to 1600gr, and can work 2-pieces with pieces from 100 to 600gr. Motorized flour duster. 150-kg teflon-coated hopper. Mounted on wheels. SEND AN EMAIL TO INFO@PIETROBERTO.COM